FireEye Incident Response using - DriverDD.bat

Memoryze DriverDD.bat is a tool inside FireEye’s famous Memoryze. What it does is executes AcquireDriver.Batch.xml to acquire a specified driver in memory, or all drivers.

DriverDD.bat has its set of paramaters:

      • –input – name of image to parse (omit -input for live memory)
      • –driver – name of driver to acquire (if not specified all drivers are acquired)
      • -output – directory in which to write results. Defaults to ./Audits

From an incident response perspective, identifying the patient zero during the incident or an infection is just the tip of the iceberg. A responder must gather evidence, artifacts, and data about the compromised systems and having the right tool to execute these actions is a must. Not only does it automate everything, but it also helps the responder to reduce the time to solve the issue.